It is aimed at researchers and their institutions, covering all scientific fields and the different types of documents produced by research (articles published in peer-reviewed journals, conference papers, theses, preprints, software, etc.).
Initiated by the physicist Franck Laloë in 2001, HAL is developed by the Center for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD), a support and research unit under the supervision ot three public research organisations, the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Inria et INRAE. It is supported by the two national Plans for open science and is part of HAL+, a research infrastructure certified by the ministry. It is an important axis of the open access institutional policies (see also the place of HAL according the French open science monitor).
HAL is CoreTrustSeal certified
HAL is registered in the following registries: - the Directory of Open Access Repositories OpenDOAR, - the Directory of Open Access Preprint Repositories (DOAPR), - the Registry of Research Data Repositories (Re3data).
The shared and inclusive governance is open to all HAL partner institutions and internationally-oriented. It comprises 4 bodies: a Steering Committee, an Orientation Committee, a Partners’ Assembly and an International Scientific Council.
Funding is based on recurring support from the Ministry and the supervisory bodies of the CCSD, annual contributions from partner institutions using the portal service, and project funding.
HAL is free of charge.
The CCSD pilots the HAL infrastructure. It provides hardware infrastructure management, software development and application maintenance. It provides a service for responding to user requests and supports them by organising training. It performs regular PIDs alignments with other repositories (ORCID, ROR, IdRef) and data cleaning.